Helping people unlock their fullest potential and lead more meaningful lives filled with intention, purpose and success.

About me…

I’m a wife and mother of two living on the beautiful panhandle of Florida where I was raised. I was in the highly competitive medical sales industry for 16 years where I enjoyed years of success, winning many awards and consistently being ranked at the top of sales. I truly loved sales, and it loved me back.

Until it didn’t. Toward the end of my sales career, and after many years of chasing quotas, fearing competitors and sinking in the rankings, I grew tired, complacent and burnt out. But I wasn’t the only one…I witnessed many very talented and hardworking salespeople experiencing the same things I had.

I set out to change that.

Today, I help medical sales organizations drive business growth, optimize revenue, and decrease turnover by utilizing a proven, science-backed curriculum aimed at sustainable success. I teach salespeople how to reach and exceed goals by adopting those mindsets, attitudes, and behaviors vital for long-term success. I designed this program to help individuals identify their success blockers and transform them into success drivers in order to achieve their highest potential.

I understand the challenges these organizations face as a result of the highs and lows reps experience. Because of this imbalance, many times sales organizations face negative company culture, high employee turnover and growing resentment among the sales reps. I want to empower salespeople with the tools to have more successful, more fulfilling careers and in turn improve the organization as a whole.

The tools I teach will provide you with everything you need to enjoy long-term success while reaching your highest potential in life and work.

Contact me today through the “services” tab at the top to get started with your free consult or subscribe below for my signature program “Winning Mindset of Sales.”

Happy selling,




Winning Mindset of Sales
One time